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You feel successful but sense something’s holding you back.
You find yourself in recurring, self-sabotaging patterns.
You're ready for a personalized approach to unlock your true potential.
You don't need another book, podcast, or masterclass. You need someone who can work uniquely and intimately with you to remove these patterns and replace them with your true identity.
Meet James
James is a seasoned coach and business professional. Throughout his twenties he built an international sales team generating multiple eight-figures. Through his success he was brought in as a corporate trainer for a +$900mm company.
He’s accumulated over 2000 hours of individual coaching where he specializes in helping his clients release stored emotional tension that’s sabotaging their productivity in work, limiting their depth in relationships, and their overall purpose in their life.
What you’ll receive is a 6-month customized plan directly focused on the biggest blocks in your life currently - and how to finally leave those blocks behind for good.
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